Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spring Cleaning Tips

Well it's that time of year again. Time to part with what you don't need or use. I have heard you should go through your stuff every 6 months and if you don't use it, GET RID OF IT!!! I know this is hard for so many of us, we like to hold on to things,  just in case. Here are a few tips to help you get started, you can have it all done in less than 2 weeks if you do something every day.

Rearrange your rooms around. Start with your bedroom, sometimes a new look is all you need. Rotate and flip your mattress, wash blankets and comforters. Wash all rugs. Go through your closet and get rid of those clothes you've had since high school, yes styles do come back around, but do you really want to wait 20 years for this to happen?? You can work on one room a day.

Hit all the base boards, door frames and walls in your house, it's a pretty easy task. Wash them with a sponge, a tsp of dish washing soap and warm water water. Should take you about an hour, depending on how big your house is.

Pick a cloudy day and do all your windows, window sills and frames as well. If it is sunny you will have streaks. Here is a solution you can try:
1 pint rubbing alcohol
1 tsp dish washing liquid
 a gallon of water.

Vacuum under all furniture if you don't already do this when you do your daily vacuuming, make sure to get the cushions on your couch. 

Clean those fans off, they can hold lots of dust and dirt and you aren't even aware of it. Will help those in your house who have allergies.

Clean out your Kitchen cabinets, drawers and pantry. Wipe down all surfaces and replace shelf paper. Get rid of kitchen appliances you don't use. Clean out your refrigerator and freezer and check that you have no expired foods, or spices. Move your fridge and clean behind it.

Try to de clutter as much as you can!!! This will to maintain the cleanliness of your home.

Do a little each day and you will have a nice clean home in about 2 weeks.

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